My main goal for SPEECHit is to create comfortable, high quality, affordable clothes for the typical SLP. To me- that means we are busy, working main jobs, private therapy on the side, have a family and life outside of work, exercise and are always on the go! I want these clothes to bring you comfort during your work day or help you to unwind on the weekends! If you’ve landed on this page it’s probably because something about a comfortable yet professional lifestyle is relatable to you!  SLPs are superstars! We are always on the go, thinking about the next session and the next set of goals we are targeting. We are reading research, solving problems, supporting families, instilling hope and sneaking in those cozy on the couch with a glass of wine moments to ourselves when we can.

I want you to be home or at the office in your SPEECHiT apparel, sitting on the floor, cleaning up bubbles, toys and crafts, finishing errands after work and kicking back and relaxing in the evenings. SPEECHiT SLPs are comfortable and confident > while also trying to look like we have it all together all the time! I got you!

With my MODERN minimal art designs > you can create a workspace that inspires you and instills motivation, peace and overall happiness! After all, this career is full of opportunities! Create a space that suits you and your future dreams. 

Thank you so much for supporting my passion & designs! All designs inspired by the working SLP and the life that surrounds


Hi I’m Amanda!

I am the Artist and Speech Language Pathologist behind SPEECHiT! I have had this idea for ages now and am so excited that I can finally mix my passion for illustrating and design with my love for everything speech and language! I started SPEECHiT on instagram in January 2020 and began creating some posters and ideas (whenever I could find the time). All of my products are created by me both digitally or hand drawn. I have had a passion for art and creating ever since I was very young. 

A little bit about me:

I am a Canadian SLP who holds both an ASHA and CASLPO certification
I work for a Children’s Treatment Centre part time as an SLP
I started a private practice with two amazing colleagues called EVOLVE Speech Therapy
I love to paint with oils, acrylic and water colour. I LOVE sketching and this year have dabbled into the world of digital art through procreate and adobe photoshop.
I have been married for 1 year and am expecting my first baby this May! :) 

This year has been a tough year for many, but I could not be more thankful. I love being an SLP and am surrounded by friends and family and this awesome SLP community! All of my designs are made with love and dedication! I hope they bring you comfort and make you feel confident and capable. 

I am always open to collaborations, giveaways and new friendships! Check out my instagram and please reach out, DM me or connect with me via email



-Amanda from SPEECHiT :)